
Despite being a global company, Lampre is founded on a few but solid guiding principles shared by all collaborators.


To be one great family, attentive to the needs of the individual, with a strong heritage to be proud of and constant commitment to provide high quality products and services. This is the spirit that inspires all the various Lampre facilities. What does corporate social responsibility mean? Lampre fulfills the undertaken activities with responsibility, integrity and respect. The company wants to ensure a safe, healthy and fair working environment, while protecting the environment, engaging in a positive relationship with the communities and maintaining high ethical standards.
Respect for the environment is an integral part of our way of doing business. We try to continuously reduce our environmental impact.


Each year, a significant share of the investments made by Lampre is linked to programs to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and particulate in the air. The coil coating is in fact the best available technology to meet the needs for quality of the metal coating and respect for the environment. It helps to minimize the environmental consequences, such as, for example, the emission of Vocs, the use of chemical components, of water, of energy and the production of waste disposal. Lampre considers sustainability as a strategic, long-term approach, which seeks to find a balance between commercial opportunities and social, economic and environmental responsibilities. For this reason we are continually engaged in the search for solutions to limit the consumption of non-renewable energy and in the development of products with reduced environmental impact.

Efforts toward increasingly efficient technologies are made with respect for nature and encourage the commitment to preserve and improve people’s life.

For Lampre the concept of business is not limited purely to the economic sphere but includes more extensive aspects, first, among all, the interest in the communities where the company operates.


Lampre firmly believes in the importance of continuous training and professional updating and therefore takes care of all aspects relating to the training of human resources. Learning must be an ongoing process for everybody: attention is particularly directed to specific projects for the promotion of our prerogative in contexts also not directly related to the steel one.

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The Lampre Charity Program is a charity project linked to the commitment in the field of social welfare.


Through specific and substantial financing actions Lampre supports associations, foundations and non-profit organizations that aim to help the the most in need.

Via A. Magni, 2
20865 Usmate Velate (MB) – Italy
Tel. +39 039 674.227 – Fax +39 039 675.018

Lampre s.r.l. – P.IVA IT 00733510960 – – all right reserved